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Volunteer Soldier Temple

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    Volunteer Soldier Temple
    Volunteer Soldier TempleAn Eternal History Remembered by All
      Nei-men Volunteer Soldier Temple is located inside Zhi-jhu Temple. It originated from the Dao-Guang years in Qing Dynasty when Bing Chang, a thief in Jiayi, was planning on a conspiracy. Cheng-Shou Hsiu, a villager in Guanyin of Nei-men, supported the affairs by setting up opposition flags. Volunteer soldiers in Nei-men resisted with all their hearts, who sacrificed their leader Yuan-Ming Liu and 51 other volunteer soldiers; the youngest was only 18 years old. After the incident quieted down, a highly-educated student in Nei-men Township, Si-Sian Yiou, set up a shrine inside Zhi-jhu Temple in the remembrance of the sacrificed volunteer soldiers. He organized fairly solemn memorials every year on December 3rd of the lunar calendar. Volunteer Soldier Temple is one of the three most flourishing temples along with Ci-Mei Bao-Jhong Volunteer Soldier Temple and Cishan Tian-hou Temple at the foot of Ciwei Mountain in Cishan Township.
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